Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What is on page Optimization?..

What is on page Optimization?..

On-page Optimization is also known as On Site Optimization. In On-page optimization, you optimization your website according to search engines guide line. it has an effect on your website listing in natural results. according to latest algorithm of Google Panda 4.0 On page Optimization is play 35% role in White Hat SEO.
on page seo
On page SEO

On Page Optimization Techniques

Keyword Analysis - When some user search a particular word that is called Keyword. In this situation we have to decide which of the particular keyword we want rank or in which keyword we want to promote or which keyword we want to implement in our website.

Competition website Analysis -  when we want to rank our website but in that keyword there may be some other website which already shows results on that particular keyword that is called competitor.

Tag Optimization - In this techniques we use HTML Tags like meta tags,heading tag, bold tags etc. we use this tags in order rank our we website on a particular keyword.

URL - in this we decide how long our website url or website page, post can be.

Fevicon - Fevicon is a type of icon it shows when you open a website then there will be that icon that is called fevicon.

Canonicalization Installation - we you type a website without 'www' that should be redirected to with www.yourwebsite.com because google crawler think there is two different website that is why you should aware of this.

Web Speed Optimization - when your website load time is too long your website may effect your ranking as your user does not stay your website.

CSS & JavaScript File Optimization -  There may be CSS & JavaScript File which takes much time to load your website that is why we have to check those file takes more memory to load those file and you have to think on this site.

Text/Code ratio - In our website the source code in website should not be less than our test. this things should be maintain.

on page seo
SEO Optimization


Internal link -  when a link redirects within your websites that is called internal Link.

External Link - when you will be redirected to another website that is called external link. like youtube,facebook etc.

Broken link- when some link break at the time of building our website or it may be mistakenly  and when you click that link you can not see any website that is called broken link.. it is bad for website ranking.

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